Articles by Lawrence Phelps
The following articles by Lawrence Phelps provide a wealth of information about organ design and the history of the organ reform movement. These articles unlike many web pages are very content-rich! Make a print-out, put on one of the available CD's, and enjoy!
- Great Organ Placed in Christian Science Mother Church, The Diapason, July 1952
- Compound Stops in Mother Church Organ of Christian Science, The Diapason, January and February 1953
- Effects of Wind Chest Design on the Speech of Organ Pipes, The Organ Institute Quarterly, Winter 1953, Spring 1953
- Perspective, The Organ Institute Quarterly, Winter 1954
- Designing a Two-Manual Organ, The Diapason, September 1961
- Towards a Rational Tonal Design, Lecture given to the National Convention of the American Guild of Organists, Los Angeles, July 1962
- Creative Church Acoustics, Discussion held in offices of Bolt Beranek & Newman, sponsored by Massachusetts Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, published in Protestant Church Buildings and Equipment, February 1963.
- A Short History of the Organ Revival, Church Music, biannual published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Missouri, Spring 1967
- Thoughts on the Future of the Organ, ISO-Information, No. 1, Journal of the International Society of Organbuilders, February 1969
- Trends in North American Organ Building, Lecture given to the International Organ Festival, St. Albans, June 1969, published in MUSIC The AGO/RCCO Magazine, May 1970
- Organ and Sanctuary, One Musical Instrument, Lecture given at the Organ and Church Acoustics Symposium, North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, Illinois, sponsored by Bolt Beranek and Newman, February 1970, published in The Diapason, October 1970
- An Organ for Today, Lecture given at the Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut, April 1970, for the Connecticut Chapters of the American Guild of Organists. Published in The Sydney Organ Journal, Sydney, Australia, Volume Three, #6 and 7, June and July 1972
- An Organ for Our Time, Lecture given at Southwestern Regional Convention of AGO, Oklahoma City, June 1971
- A Brief Look at the French Classical Organ, its Origins and German Counterpart, Article for the ARGO division of the Decca Record Co. Ltd., accompanying Gillian Weir's recording, “Couperin - Pièces d'Orgue”, ARGO STEREO 4BBA 1011/2, April 1973
- An Introduction to Change Ringing
Other Articles
- Lawrence Phelps & Associates Company Brochure
- Pipe Organs 101, an introduction to pipe organ basics, Steve Thomas, 2003
- Pipe Organs 105: What is 'Organ Music'?, an introduction to the music of the organ, Steve Thomas, 2005
- Lawrence Phelps Eulogy, a collection of writing by friends of Lawrence Phelps, reflecting on the impact of his life.
- Colorado State Library Phelps Archive, an index of the University's archives.